Saturday, September 20, 2008

Kicking (my) Ass

This has been a real roller coaster of a week. I've had many emotional highs and lows, on top of my TOM. The three pounds I had lost found me again last week, but as of yesterday I'm back down a pound and a half, so I think it was just water retention.

I've started a new plan at Curves that keeps me more aware of my workout level, too, and that's been kicking my ass. They put computers on all the machines to keep track of reps and range of motion, and you can track your progress on the main computer to see which muscles you are working to their full potential and which ones you need to put more effort into, and how many calories burnt and all that good stuff. I didn't think that would make a big difference in my workout but it really does. I really want to get on that main computer after my workout and see green dots all over my body, LOL... the green dots say you worked that particular muscle well :) It's instant gratification of sorts, which I really like. Hopefully this will be the kick in the ass I need to get the pounds moving in the right direction again. I've been stagnant for too long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anything that involves instant gratification I am all for it!!!! I need that to motivate me.