Wednesday, August 06, 2008

This is me...

Okay, so I think it is time to re-introduce myself. My name is Jeanna (Jee-nah)... I have been Nan here for a very long time. No more. I was always so afraid that someone from "real life" would find my blog that I used a fake name. Though when talking about my family I always used their real names... go figure, LOL. I never claimed to be the brightest bulb in the box :) I always censored myself just in case someone did find me, because one of my biggest fears is to say something that might hurt somebody's feelings. I'm working on that. My first step was to give the link here to a real life friend of mine (Our World... over there in the links --->). It made me feel kind of queasy, LOL, but I'm committed to make this attempt to become less of a prisoner of my own anxieties.

For those that have followed my weight loss struggles, guess what?! I'm still struggling. Big shock, eh?! I had gained quite a bit of weight toward the beginning of the year when my oldest son went into the hospital. I have brought it down a bit since then, so YAY for me, LOL... but I'm still sitting at 230 pounds. That is only 21 pounds from my highest weight.


Anonymous said...

Yeah you did it. I am proud of you. I know it was a big step now some of those other steps may not look so big. I love ya.

Marla said...

Hi Nanjeanna! I am so glad to see you blogging again. I'm looking forward to reading you EVERYday (hint hint).

You know I went to my real identity recently too. It was a difficult decision; I always posted anonymously because I didn't want to get Dooced, for one thing. That's less of an issue now that I'm primarily a freelancer. But also I felt like I was censoring myself MORE by writing anonymously. There were so many things that I'd think "oh if I write about that it will be obvious who I am." Like everyone in the world was Sherlock Holmes trying to figure out the identity of the mysterious Secret Blogger!

And I could write about other people without revealing their identities either. I came to the realization that most of the time I did that, it was because I wanted to write something negative. And although the blog has been a way to blow off steam over the years I guess now I don't want to do that anymore. I decided that if I wouldn't SAY it, I won't write it.

Anyway, it's a difficult choice but I think you will be glad you did it. I know accountability is always a big deal to us, and there's even more this way :-)

Anonymous said...

small steps sweety! we are here for you!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog. I appreciate the hugs.
This year we will be married for 10 years too....long time that!