Sunday, December 06, 2009

(not) Picture Perfect

I've really been wanting to get back to taking thousands of pictures a day, but my camera has other plans. For the last couple of months, every time I try to take pictures, the dang thing shuts itself off, then turns back on, then shuts itself off, then back on, etc.... I spent $30 to get a new battery, and no luck... still doing the same thing. I can't afford to replace it right now, but hopefully in the spring I can manage it. Sucks to wait til then, but I have no choice... If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know! The camera I'm coming off of is a Kodak P712...

I'm thinking of going to a Nikon or a Canon... expensive, but I want a good camera to work on my portrait photography, as well as just everyday pictures...

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