Thursday, December 24, 2009
Sunday, December 06, 2009
(not) Picture Perfect
I've really been wanting to get back to taking thousands of pictures a day, but my camera has other plans. For the last couple of months, every time I try to take pictures, the dang thing shuts itself off, then turns back on, then shuts itself off, then back on, etc.... I spent $30 to get a new battery, and no luck... still doing the same thing. I can't afford to replace it right now, but hopefully in the spring I can manage it. Sucks to wait til then, but I have no choice... If anyone has any recommendations, please let me know! The camera I'm coming off of is a Kodak P712...
I'm thinking of going to a Nikon or a Canon... expensive, but I want a good camera to work on my portrait photography, as well as just everyday pictures...
Good Morning
It is 10:41am, I'm tired but in a somewhat good mood, thankfully :)
- I'm on my first cup of coffee, but willing to drink the entire pot in short order :)
- hungry, but too tired to get up and cook... I don't usually eat cereal, even though it would probably be more convenient
- my house is a disaster, and I am weighing the odds that I can get the children to pitch in and clean
- feeling a bit anxious about my son, Nathan, turning 18 next month... I worry that he isn't ready to be an adult and he should just go back to being 12 :)
- have a meeting with Nathan's teacher next week to discuss the possibility of early graduation
- Yes, he is a smart little sucker, but his issues with Aspergers worry me that he will not be able to hold a job and he will therefore live with me until he is 50.
- Anna thinks she is grown and knows everything
- People tell me that's normal for a 14 (almost 15!) year old girl.
- I'm convinced that there is nothing normal about that girl.
- Nicholas has been my bright spot for years, though lately I think maybe he's not so bright, LOL
- Love him much though :)
- He still hugs me and tells me I'm the best mommy ever
- usually when he wants something, but I'll take what I can get
- have an odd urge to watch Grease 2 today... have sent Nathan to my mother's to borrow the dvd
- my Christmas tree is in it's box in my living room where it's been for the last week
- harder every year to get in the spirit and decorate...
- maybe tomorrow...
- I spend way too much time on Facebook
- Hubby is working 9am to 9pm... sucks :(
- think I'll go read my book until the dvd arrives
- Reading The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon... love her :)
- Have a beautiful day!
Sunday, November 08, 2009
quick update
Hi all :)
Things are going really well for me lately. Eric and I are doing wonderful. My job is going good. The kids are, well, normal, LOL...
And I signed back up at Curves a couple of weeks ago. That feels good. Really good. Getting there has been hit and miss so far... Nicholas had H1N1 right after I signed up and I didn't go for fear of passing it to everyone there, and I got there once after that and then came down with bronchitis. I feel ok, but if I start breathing heavy at all I can't stop the deep, painful coughing. Not a good way to be at the gym. I have managed to locate the treadmill, though a fierce battle it was with all the clothes hanging around, over and on top of it :) I figure I can at least walk without agitating my bronchitis.
Things are going really well for me lately. Eric and I are doing wonderful. My job is going good. The kids are, well, normal, LOL...
And I signed back up at Curves a couple of weeks ago. That feels good. Really good. Getting there has been hit and miss so far... Nicholas had H1N1 right after I signed up and I didn't go for fear of passing it to everyone there, and I got there once after that and then came down with bronchitis. I feel ok, but if I start breathing heavy at all I can't stop the deep, painful coughing. Not a good way to be at the gym. I have managed to locate the treadmill, though a fierce battle it was with all the clothes hanging around, over and on top of it :) I figure I can at least walk without agitating my bronchitis.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Oh yes, the job interview... I got the job! I am now a housekeeper at a new hotel being built. I've spent the last 2 and a half weeks, with 7 other ladies, immersed knee-deep in drywall dust and construction madness, LOL... we are opening in about a week and a half so we are finally seeing it come together. The drapes are going in, and Tuesday we will be getting all the bedding in. Once we are open, I will only have to work from 8:30am to about 1:00pm... that means that during the school year, I will be here when the kids leave in the morning, and I'll be home when they get home from school. During the summer, I only need help from my mother with the kids about an hour and a half in the morning until Eric gets home from work. Being home with my kids is very important to me.
After 90 days, the best perk goes into effect :) Being able to stay at any Hilton owned hotel for $29.99 a night! I love this!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
A Whole New World
I was just looking back at my blog to see how long it has been since my last post. The interviews with the kids were just filler, something fun for a change, as I have not had much fun since that last post on October 21st. That was the day my whole world changed.
This is the abridged version...
I told my husband that day that I wanted a divorce. He had no idea that I was that unhappy, so it kind of hit him up-side the head. He's a good husband, he always has been. I just felt like he was my best friend and that was all the feeling I could muster anymore. It was difficult working through it because we are so not wealthy, so we had to continue living together because neither of us could afford to move. He finally did find a place, and started to fix it up and move some things in, but still lived at our house because I had no job and he couldn't afford to sustain 2 active households. We have filed bankruptcy, and are losing our house... it's been killing us for years, and with Eric's hours being cut for so long, we just couldn't hold on to it anymore... I couldn't find a job, so I ended up on government assistance, which did enable me to get an apartment of my own. I was actually very excited about getting that apartment and beginning to move forward with my life again. Then I got the keys.
I got the keys on March 31, and things went haywire again. I walked into that apartment with keys in hand and had a bit of a break down. All of the pain and frustrations I had been dealing with fell away and I realized that I did still love my husband and I did not want to live away from him. I didn't say anything right away, I was so afraid that it was a fear response... that I was just afraid to be on my own... I had to make sure what I was feeling before I made any decisions. On April 4th, Eric came to me at the right moment and asked me what I was thinking, and I ended up telling him. We spent all day talking things out and in the end we decided to stay together and make it work. I turned in the keys to the apartment and we both moved into the place he had rented. We are still working on getting everything moved and organized... it's a bit difficult, because we are downsizing quite considerably.
I did quit Curves some months ago to try and save money. I began eating myself into a corner. And I've put on weight. I am hovering about 232lbs. I have so many other things going on right now that it is difficult to make my weight loss a priority. It is on my mind though. More every day. I will get back to it.
Oh, and I actually had a job interview last week, and it looks as though it might come through. I will know for sure on Wednesday. I'll let you know more then. I'm a bit scared though, I haven't worked outside of the home in 10 years. I guess now would be a good time to get back on my anxiety meds, LOL...
This is the abridged version...
I told my husband that day that I wanted a divorce. He had no idea that I was that unhappy, so it kind of hit him up-side the head. He's a good husband, he always has been. I just felt like he was my best friend and that was all the feeling I could muster anymore. It was difficult working through it because we are so not wealthy, so we had to continue living together because neither of us could afford to move. He finally did find a place, and started to fix it up and move some things in, but still lived at our house because I had no job and he couldn't afford to sustain 2 active households. We have filed bankruptcy, and are losing our house... it's been killing us for years, and with Eric's hours being cut for so long, we just couldn't hold on to it anymore... I couldn't find a job, so I ended up on government assistance, which did enable me to get an apartment of my own. I was actually very excited about getting that apartment and beginning to move forward with my life again. Then I got the keys.
I got the keys on March 31, and things went haywire again. I walked into that apartment with keys in hand and had a bit of a break down. All of the pain and frustrations I had been dealing with fell away and I realized that I did still love my husband and I did not want to live away from him. I didn't say anything right away, I was so afraid that it was a fear response... that I was just afraid to be on my own... I had to make sure what I was feeling before I made any decisions. On April 4th, Eric came to me at the right moment and asked me what I was thinking, and I ended up telling him. We spent all day talking things out and in the end we decided to stay together and make it work. I turned in the keys to the apartment and we both moved into the place he had rented. We are still working on getting everything moved and organized... it's a bit difficult, because we are downsizing quite considerably.
I did quit Curves some months ago to try and save money. I began eating myself into a corner. And I've put on weight. I am hovering about 232lbs. I have so many other things going on right now that it is difficult to make my weight loss a priority. It is on my mind though. More every day. I will get back to it.
Oh, and I actually had a job interview last week, and it looks as though it might come through. I will know for sure on Wednesday. I'll let you know more then. I'm a bit scared though, I haven't worked outside of the home in 10 years. I guess now would be a good time to get back on my anxiety meds, LOL...
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Interview With A Child

- 1. What is something mom always says to you? I'm gonna whoop ya!
- 2. What makes mom happy? me
- 3. What makes mom sad? summer break
- 4. How does your mom make you laugh? when she makes funny faces at me
- 5. What did your mom like to do as a child? ooohh... that's a hard one, I don't know
- 6. How old is your mom? 33 years old, right?!
- 7. How tall is your mom? you're short for a mom, I'm almost as tall as you!
- 8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV? Dancing With the Stars
- 9. What does your mom do when you’re not around? How am I supposed to know?! LOL
- 10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? uuhh... singing?!
- 11. What is your mom really good at? watching tv, playing on the computer
- 12. What is your mom not very good at? working out (much laughter at this)
- 13. What does your mom do for her job? nothing
- 14. What is your mom’s favorite food? stroganoff
- 15. What makes you proud of your mom? letting me be born
- 16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? I don't know
- 17. What do you and your mom do together? joke around
- 18. How are you and your mom the same? we like each other
- 19. How are you and your mom different? she's a girl, I'm a boy
- 20. How do you know your mom loves you? she always wants me to kiss her.
- 21. What does your mom like most about your dad? he's funny
- 22. Where is your mom’s favorite place to go? home
- 1. What is something mom always says to you? your blonde is showing
- 2. What makes mom happy? spagetti and me
- 3. What makes mom sad? that I'm growing up
- 4. How does your mom make you laugh? when you watch a sappy movie and cry
- 5. What did your mom like to do as a child? swimming, rollerskating
- 6. How old is your mom? 35
- 7. How tall is your mom? 5'5"?
- 8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV? America's Next Top Model, the Tyra Banks Show, Survivor
- 9. What does your mom do when you’re not around? I wouldn't know
- 10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? photography, probably
- 11. What is your mom really good at? photography, and drinking coffee
- 12. What is your mom not very good at? keeping money in her pocket
- 13. What does your mom do for her job? she is unemployed
- 14. What is your mom’s favorite food? spagetti, pizza, lasagna, cheesecake
- 15. What makes you proud of your mom? she gives me food
- 16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Jessica Rabbit, LOL
- 17. What do you and your mom do together? shop, take pictures, talk about boys
- 18. How are you and your mom the same? we both love salads to death... LOL
- 19. How are you and your mom different? our hair, I think I'm grown and she doesn't think so
- 20. How do you know your mom loves you? she gives me food, puts a roof over my head, and buys me stuff
- 21. What does your mom like most about your dad? that he puts his family first
- 22. Where is your mom’s favorite place to go? home, to bed
- 1. What is something mom always says to you? you need to get up
- 2. What makes mom happy? quiet
- 3. What makes mom sad? me not getting up for school in the morning
- 4. How does your mom make you laugh? depends on the day
- 5. What did your mom like to do as a child? Barbies
- 6. How old is your mom? 35
- 7. How tall is your mom? short
- 8. What is her favorite thing to watch on TV? CSI, Bones, Ghost Whisperer, The Mentalist, Dancing With the Stars, Big Brother, Survivor
- 9. What does your mom do when you’re not around? Run around, drive everywhere and crap.
- 10. If your mom becomes famous, what will it be for? stuff
- 11. What is your mom really good at? photoshopping
- 12. What is your mom not very good at? getting a picture of me (mom's note: because he won't let me!)
- 13. What does your mom do for her job? nothing right now
- 14. What is your mom’s favorite food? beef manhattan
- 15. What makes you proud of your mom? she's funny, I like funny.
- 16. If your mom were a cartoon character, who would she be? Goofy
- 17. What do you and your mom do together? play board games, like Scrabble
- 18. How are you and your mom the same? we both like Twilight
- 19. How are you and your mom different? she's read all the books, LOL
- 20. How do you know your mom loves you? because I know
- 21. What does your mom like most about your dad? i don't know
- 22. Where is your mom’s favorite place to go? the Rose Park
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